Coaches dedicated to your success


Some gyms may look for measures of success like sending athletes to regional competitions, having 300 monthly members, or peering out at a box full of people who could be models for superhero action figures. In our mind, this simple statement highlighted one of the best features of CrossFit Lowell, and the thing of which we are proudest: we love your weird.

Value One

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Value Two

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Value Three

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Gina Tacconi-Moore


  • National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)
  • ART – Full Body Certified (Spine, Lower Extremity, and Upper Extremity)
  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
  • CrossFit Kids
  • CrossFit Movement and Mobility
  • CrossFit Gymnastics
  • CrossFit Judges Certification
  • CPR/First Aid
  • Pendlay Level 1 & 2 Certification
  • FMS (Functional Movement Screen) Certified


  • Advisory Board member, STRONG Magazine
  • North American Strongman
  • USAW Senior Athlete
  • ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage
  • Professionals)
  • Northeast Regionals Medical Team Member 2014
  • GRID League Medical Staff 2014
  • East Super Regionals Athlete Services/Medical Team Member 2015
  • SME guest on Iron Radio


  • 80 Hours of Gross Anatomy Dissection under Tom Myers and Todd Garcia
  • Body Reading Postural and Gait Assessment Certification under Tom Myers
  • Bridging the Gap: Movement and Manual Therapy Certification under Tom Myers
  • The Knowing Hand: Intensive mentorship with Tom Myers

Sean Osborne


  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
  • CrossFit Gymnastics
  • USA Weightlifting Club Coach
  • CrossFit Judges Certification
  • Pendlay Level 1 & 2 Certification
  • Functional Movement Screen Certified
  • CPR/First Aid Certified


  • North American Strongman
  • USA Weightlifting


  • 80 Hours of Gross Anatomy Dissection under Tom Myers and Todd Garcia
  • Body Reading Postural and Gait Assessment Certification under Tom Myers
  • Bridging the Gap: Movement and Manual Therapy Certification under Tom Myers


    • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
    • CrossFit Gymnastics
    • USA Weightlifting Club Coach
    • CrossFit Judges Certification
    • Pendlay Level 1 & 2 Certification
    • Functional Movement Screen Certified
    • CPR/First Aid Certified


    • North American Strongman
    • USA Weightlifting


    • 80 Hours of Gross Anatomy Dissection under Tom Myers and Todd Garcia
    • Body Reading Postural and Gait Assessment Certification under Tom Myers
    • Bridging the Gap: Movement and Manual Therapy Certification under Tom Myers

    Sean Osborne

    Jason Morang


    • CrossFit L1
    • CrossFit Movement & Mobility Certified
    • Crossroads Adaptive Athletic Trainer
    • CrossFit Judges Certified 

    In my life outside of CrossFit: work as an Air Traffic Controller 

    Proudest CrossFit Moment: I was a new coach and at a competition with a bunch of our newbies. It was their first time competing. One of our athletes was faced with a dilemma. One of the WoDs required lifting a weight he had not been able to do in practice. After several attempts and with the entire crowd screaming at the top of their lungs, he was able to make the lift. The look on his face was priceless. I am proud to have been a part of helping someone achieve something they once thought was out of their reach.


    Call us: (978) 710-8280 or email us at info@crossfitlowell.com and Transform your mindset in just a few visits.


    At CrossFit Lowell, our priority is your success, regardless of abilities, history, injury, or limitations. We believe in pushing past the margins of individual experience to become better at what will come your way, from lifting a week’s worth of groceries to surviving a bear chase and everything in between.

    Call us: (978) 710-8280


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