CrossFit WOD, February 2, 2021

210202Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)3 intervals, each interval for time, of: Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 30...

CrossFit WOD, January 25, 2021

210125Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxHelen (Time)3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-upsOther...

CrossFit WOD, January 27, 2021

210127Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 25 jumping jacks 10 pvc pass throughs 5-10 push-ups 10-20 sec handstand hold against wall or with feet on a box 6 shoulder taps (3 per side) against wall or with feet on a box *Ensure you are fully warmed-up before...

CrossFit WOD, January 28, 2021

210128Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 4 burpees 8 air squats (squat therapy style) (see video below) 8 stiff-legged deadlifts, empty barbell 8 glute bridges (no weight or empty barbell) 6good mornings 4 broad jumpsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)15-12-9 reps, for time...

CrossFit WOD, January 29, 2021

210129Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 7 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 10 overhead squats with pvc pipe 7 band pull aparts 7 ring rows 7 push-ups or knee push-ups 7 sit-ups or hollow rocks *Ensure you are fully warmed-up before beginning the workout.Metcon...

CrossFit WOD, January 18, 2021

210118Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)3 rounds for time of: Run, 400 m 10 Bar Muscle-ups 10 Overhead Squats, 60%...