CrossFit WOD, January 5, 2021

210105Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)For time: 50 burpees 50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs 50 Hollow Rocks 200 double unders 50...

CrossFit WOD, January 6, 2021

210106Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds, not for time of: 50 double unders or single unders 8 good mornings, empty barbell 1x Burgener warm-up with empty barThe Burgener warm-up3-5 reps of dip, drive 3-5 reps of dip, drive, shrug 3-5 reps of muscle snatch 3-5 reps of overhead...

CrossFit WOD, January 7, 2021

210107Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)For time: 30 Toes-to-bars 40 Slam Balls 35/25 20 Toes-to-bars 30 Slam Balls 35/25...

CrossFit WOD, January 2, 2021

210102Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon Rx/ScaledDeadlift (5-5-5-5-5)use the same weight for all working sets (65-75%) 5 tall box jumps...

CrossFit WOD, December 31, 2020

201231Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)10 rounds for time of: 30 Double Unders 5 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs 5...

CrossFit WOD, December 30, 2020

201230Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon RxMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds)Death By Dumbbell Thruster With a continuously running clock...

CrossFit WOD, December 29, 2020

201229Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds, not for time of: 50 jumping jacks 7 pvc pass throughs 5-10 push-ups 7-10 sit-ups 10-20 sec handstand hold against wall 6 shoulder taps (3 per side) 7 good mornings, empty barbell 1x Burgener warm-up with empty barThe Burgener warm-up3-5...

CrossFit WOD, December 28, 2020

201228Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon Rx/ScaledBack Squat (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed...

CrossFit WOD, December 26, 2020

201226Warm-upCrossFit Warm-up3 rounds not for time of: 30 sec sampson stretch (each leg) 10 air squats 10 sit-ups 10 glute bridges 10 push-ups 10 pull-ups/ring rowsMetcon Rx/ScaledShoulder Press (3-3-3-3-3-3)climb to a heavy 3Optional Accessory WorkBent Over Row...