by Sean Osborne | Aug 2, 2020 | WOD
200808Warm-upWarm-upMetcon Rx
by Sean Osborne | Aug 1, 2020 | WOD
200801Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 200m run 7 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe 5-7 inchworms 5-7 ring rows or pull-ups 7-10 jumping air squats 7-10 sit-upsMetcon RxChelsea (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes: 5 Pull-ups...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 26, 2020 | WOD
200729Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds, not for time of: 50 single unders 10 squats (squat therapy style) 10 pass throughs with pvc pipe 10 toes-to-bars, knees-to-elbows, or AbMat sit-ups 8 good mornings, with pvc pipe 5 overhead squats, with pvc pipe (3 secs descending, 3 secs...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 26, 2020 | WOD
200730Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 200m run 20 jumping jacks 10 steps of walking lunges 5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc-pipe 10 power cleans, empty barbell 10 bent over rows, empty barbell 10 push-ups or knee push-upsMetcon RxMetcon (Time)21-15-9 reps, for...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 26, 2020 | WOD
200731Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds, not for time: 200m run 4 good mornings 1x Burgener warm-up, empty barbell 4 good mornings 10 sit-ups or v-ups 5-7 ring rows or pull-ups The Burgener warm-up consists of the following: 3-5 reps of down & up 3-5 reps of dip, shrug,...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 26, 2020 | WOD
200727Warm-upWarm-up400m run… 4 rounds, not for time of: 10 m high knees 10 m butt kicks 6 jumping air squats 50 m run (increase acceleration each time) 60 secs of restMetcon Rx/No Equipment6 x 400m Run (6 Rounds for reps)Super Fitness Robot time: 1:25 or less...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 26, 2020 | WOD
200728Warm-upWarm-up2 rounds, not for time of: 200m run 10 good mornings 1x Burgener warm-up, empty barbell 5 thrusters, empty barbell 5-7 low ring muscle-ups (lots of leg, this is a warm-up) The Burgener warm-up consists of the following: 3-5 reps of down & up...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 19, 2020 | WOD
200720Warm-upWarm-upNot for time: 30 double unders 5 good mornings, empty bar 1x Burgener warm-up, empty bar 30 double unders 5 good mornings, empty bar 1x Burgener warm-up, empty bar 30 double unders 5 good mornings, empty bar The Burgener warm-up consists of the...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 19, 2020 | WOD
200721Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 45 secs of jumping jacks 7 shoulder pass throughs – pvc pipe 10 sit-ups 10 push-ups 2 Turkish get-up, R-arm 2 Turkish get-up, L-arm *Ensure you are fully warmed-up before beginning the workout. Metcon RxMetcon...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 19, 2020 | WOD
200722Warm-upWarm-up400m run followed by… 3 rounds, not for time of: 10 overhead squats (pvc) 10 m high knees 10 m butt kicks 6 steps, walking lunges 6 lateral lunges (3 per side) 50 m run (increase acceleration each time) 1 min of restMetcon Rx/Scaled/No...
by Sean Osborne | Jul 19, 2020 | WOD
200723Warm-upWarm-up3 rounds, not for time of: 200m run 20 jumping jacks 10 steps of walking lunges 5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc-pipe 10 power cleans, empty barbell 10 bent over rows, empty barbell 10 hand-release push-ups, regular push-ups or knee push-upsMetcon...