Saturday, April 16th 2022
A. General
1 min row or bike @easy
5 Inchworms
45 sec row or bike @mod
7 mini band wall slides
30 sec row or bike @hard
10 alternating Y arm raises on a box*
1 min row or bike @easy
5 Inchworms
45 sec row or bike @mod
7 mini band wall slides
30 sec row or bike @hard
10 alternating Y arm raises on a box*
B. Metcon Prep
3 sets
5 beat swings + 5 Jumping pull-ups*
5 Russian swings + 5 KB swings
30 seconds of double unders
5 Banded OHS + 5 OHS @ascending
Box Butterfly progressions:
Metcon (Time)
Regionals 2011- Event 4
For time
100 Pull-ups
100 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
100 Double-unders
100 Overhead squats 95/65lbs
For time
100 Pull-ups
100 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
100 Double-unders
100 Overhead squats 95/65lbs
Metcon (Time)
Team Version
With a partner complete the following
With a partner complete the following
For time
150 Pull-ups
150 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
150 Double-unders
150 Overhead squats 95/65lbs
– Athletes must switch who’s working every 15 reps
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Single leg, lateral med ball toss against wall
6 x 5/5
6 x 5/5
TC:25 min
Score: Time
Scaling options
70 Ring Rows
70 Russian Kettlebell swings (Moderate)
70 Single-unders
70 OH Squat (Light)
80 Pull-ups
80 Kettlebell swings (24 / 16 kg)
60 Double Unders
80 Overhead squats (45 / 35 lbs)
As written