Monday, April 18th 2022
A. General
2 sets
30 sec Row or Bike
10 rotating scorpions
20 Fast in and out squats
2 sets
30 sec Row or Bike
10 rotating scorpions
20 Fast in and out squats
B. Mobility
PVC shoulder dislocate
10-12 Repetitions
-As close as you can while maintaining lock out and retraction in the scap
C. Activation
3 sets
10 DB pullovers @ light
10 Tall kneeling banded pull downs
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Strict pull-up
5 x 7 reps
Rest 2 mins between sets
5 x 7 reps
Rest 2 mins between sets
Metcon (Time)
Accumulate for time
150 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
*Every Break complete 10 TTB
150 Wall balls 20/14 lbs
*Every Break complete 10 TTB
TC: 16 min
Score: Time
Score: Time
Scaling options
5 rounds
20 wall balls
10 Hanging knee raises
150 wall ball @ 14/10lbs
10 Toes to Eye Level
@ 30/20 lbs
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Bulgarian Split Squat
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes
1- 12 reps left leg
2- 12 reps right leg
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes
1- 12 reps left leg
2- 12 reps right leg
With a barbell back rack
Score: total reps
Scaling options
5 x 1-1-1 negatives
10 sec rest between reps
5x 5-7 Assisted Strict Pull Up
As written @weighted, across