Tuesday, April 19th 2022
A. General
3 rounds
30 second Row/Bike/Ski
25′ Walking Lunges + twist
10 Single Arm/Leg DB RDL
3 rounds
30 second Row/Bike/Ski
25′ Walking Lunges + twist
10 Single Arm/Leg DB RDL
B. Mobility
PNF Pigeon Stretch
5 seconds Contraction, pushing knee into the floor
5 seconds stretch, relax and bring the chest over the knee
*If any knee pain have the athlete elevate the leg, with the shin on a box
C. Metcon Prep
3 sets @working weight
3 Deadlifts
3 Cals legs only
3 Cals Hips and arms only
3 Cals Full stroke @hard
D. L-sit prep
3 x 2-4 L sit kick outs
*Practice rolling the shoulders forward into an exaggerated hollow position
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
750m Row
rest 30 seconds
8 Deadlift @ 65-70%
rest 2 minutes
750m Row
rest 30 seconds
8 Deadlift @ 65-70%
rest 2 minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM 5 minutes
20 sec L sit hold
20 sec L sit hold
TC: 5 min
Score: Rounds completed
Score: Rounds completed
Scaling options
Knee tuck 10 seconds
6 alternating L sit single leg kick outs OR 10 second L sit hold
Extra Accessory
3 sets
30 Alternating V-ups
30 Sky touches
30 Alternating V-ups
30 Sky touches
Score: Total Time
Scaling options
4 rounds
500m Row
6 Deadlifts @ heavy
As Written
5 sets
6 Deadlifts @75% + 4 seconds down
6/6 Back rack deficit lunge @moderate
25 KB swings @light
10 seconds rest between movements, 2mins between sets