Friday, April 22nd 2022
A. General
EMOM 4 mins:
Min 1- 6 alternating dynamic spiderman stretch + 6 Full squat T spine rotations
Min 2: Run 100m
EMOM 4 mins:
Min 1- 6 alternating dynamic spiderman stretch + 6 Full squat T spine rotations
Min 2: Run 100m
B. Mobility
90/90 hip rotations
12 rotations (6/6)
C. Specific
Goblet squat hold + shift
3 x 10 seconds stretch/ankle. Stand up for 5-10 seconds before the next set
This exercise will prime:
1) Ankle mobility
2) Hip mobility
3) Hip stability
4) Foot stability
5) Squat coordination
Back Squat (Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20minutes
12 Burpee to 8/6" Target
400m Run
12 Burpee to 8/6" Target
400m Run
TC: 20 min
Score: Rounds and Reps
Score: Rounds and Reps
Scaling options
9 Burpees
9 Burpee to 8/6" target
400m Run
21 Bench press @50%
15 Burpee to target
9 Cal Echo Bike
Extra Accessory
4 sets
8 Bent over row (1 sec at top)
8 DB Pullover (1 sec hold at bottom)
Rest 60-90 seconds
8 Bent over row (1 sec at top)
8 DB Pullover (1 sec hold at bottom)
Rest 60-90 seconds
EMOM 12minutes
Min 1: 1 @ 80%
Min 2: 5 @ 70%
Min 3: 10 @ 50%
Min 4: Rest
TC: 12 min
Score: Weight
Scaling options
@ 3 sec down
Min 1: 1 @ Heavy
Min 2: 3 @ Moderate
Min 3: 5 @ Light
Min 4: Rest
As Written
3 sets
Back squat 3 reps @ 80%
Rest 2 mins
Back squat 8 reps @70%
Rest 2 mins
Back squat 15 reps @50%
Rest 4 mins