Sunday, April 24th 2022
A. General
400m Run
-Gradually building pace from easy to hard @nose breathing
400m Run
-Gradually building pace from easy to hard @nose breathing
B. Mobility
Shoulder Hip Ext
3 x 20s on/10s Off
C. Specific
-50′ A skips
-50′ Run
-3-5 strict press/push-ups
-3-5 Pause front squats / air squats
Metcon (Time)
For time
3km Run
100 hang cleans 95/65 lbs
3km Run
100 hang cleans 95/65 lbs
Metcon (Time)
Team Version
3 Rounds
Run 1k together
40 Hang Cleans 95/65 lbs (divided between partners)
Extra Accessory
5 rounds
8 Glute ham raise
10-20 sec L-sit Hold
Rest as needed
8 Glute ham raise
10-20 sec L-sit Hold
Rest as needed
1,500m Run
100 hang cleans @light
3km Run
100 hang cleans @75/55 lbs