Thursday, April 28th 2022
A. General
2 sets
30sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run
5 btn press
10 Banded T pull aparts
2 sets
30sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run
5 btn press
10 Banded T pull aparts
B. Specific press drill
2 sets
5 x 1 1/2 press*
*Press to forehead and pause, back down to shoulders, TNG into a full press overhead. This is one rep. We use this to teach speed through the sticking point and proper time under tension.
Shoulder Press (Death by Strict press @75%)
Filthy Fifty (Time)
For Time:
50 Box jumps, 24"
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20#
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
50 Box jumps, 24"
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45#
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20#
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
KG:20/15 KG
TC: 25 min
Score: Time
TC: 25 min
Score: Time
Scaling Options
30 Reps Across the board
Single Unders
40 Reps across the board
Single Unders*
Double attempt every 5th rep
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Bent over DB fly
4 x 15 @moderate
4 x 15 @moderate
Min 1, 1 rep
Min 2, 2 reps
Min 3, 3 reps
..Until death
TC: 10 min
Score: Biggest round Completed
Scaling Options
Strict Press @ moderate
As Written