2 rounds
400m Run
10 in-and-out squats
B. Mobility
Soft tissue mobilisation
With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball
45-60 seconds/side
Lats or pecs
C. Specific Drills
3-5 Scap pull + hollow (against box)
3-5 Beat swing with towel between feet
3-5 Glide kip (across box)
3-5 Jumping Bar muscle up (turn over)
3 x 3-5 Bar muscle ups or Banded or Hip to bar
200m Run
3 Bar Muscle-ups
Score: Time
TC: 10mins
Alternate between
– 8-10 Power Clean 135/95 lbs
– 15/10 Cal Row
– 15-20 Box Jump 24/20"
KG: 60/40
Score: Total reps
– 8-10 Power Clean @light-mod
– 10/8 Cal Row
– 15-20 Box Jump @low
– 8-10 Power Clean @115/75 lbs
– 12/9 Cal Row
– 12-20 Box Jump @24/20"
Alternate between
– 10 Power Clean @135/95 lbs
– 15/10 Cal Row
– 15-20 Box Jump @24/20"
5 Seated strict TTB
20 Sky touches
30 sec/elbow Side plank
Points of performance:
– Control EVERY portion of the descent in the TTB
– Keep moving in the Sky touches. ONly head and shoulders should come off the ground, not the lower back.
– Make sure you maintain a neutral spine when performing the Side Plank.
6 rounds
200m Run
3 Jumping CTB @2sec down
6 rounds
200m Run
3 Jumping Bmu or 3 CTB
6 rounds
10 GHD Sit-ups
3 Bar Muscle-ups