Tuesday, August 9th 2022
A. General
2min Machine
-10/10 single arm banded rows
-10 Pause ring rows*
-6 Slam balls
*Pause 2 seconds with chest to rings
2min Machine
-10/10 single arm banded rows
-10 Pause ring rows*
-6 Slam balls
*Pause 2 seconds with chest to rings
B. Mobility
Child’s pose
60 seconds
-Focus on connecting breathing:
Inhale = contract
Exhale = Relax and go deeper in the stretch
C. Specific Metcon Prep
-7 hang clean pull
-7 Rack deliveries
-7 Hi hang power cleans
-7 hang power cleans
5 sets
12 Feet elevated body row
Rest 20 seconds
Max rep strict chin ups
Rest 20 seconds
12 Slam balls 30/20lbs
Rest 2 minutes
12 Feet elevated body row
Rest 20 seconds
Max rep strict chin ups
Rest 20 seconds
12 Slam balls 30/20lbs
Rest 2 minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 8 minutes
8 Hang Power Clean 115/75lbs
50 Double-unders
8 Hang Power Clean 115/75lbs
50 Double-unders
KG: 50/35 KG
TC: 8 min
Score: Rounds and Reps
TC: 8 min
Score: Rounds and Reps
Scaling Options
8 Hang Power Clean @ 45/35 lbs
30 Single unders
8 Hang Power Clean @75/55 lbs
50 Single unders or 30 Double Unders
As Written
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Pendlay rows
3 x 10
Rest 60 seconds
3 x 10
Rest 60 seconds
– Explode up
– Control the eccentric phase
– Control the eccentric phase
Score: Chin Up Reps
Scaling Options
6-10 Body row
Rest 20 seconds
Max rep banded Supinated Lat Pulldown
Rest 20 seconds
8 slam balls
6-10 Feet elevated body row
Rest 20 seconds
Max rep banded strict chin ups
Rest 20 seconds
10 slam balls