CrossFit – Sat, Dec 10


A. General

3 sets

12 In and out squats

10 Squat clean wall balls

5 Dynamic push-ups

B. Mobility

Quadruped rear shoulder stretch

45 sec/side

C. Specific

3 sets

7/7 Cossack squats

7 Glute bridge + DB floor press

3-5 DB Clean & Jerks @ Ascending

Metcon (Time)

15 rounds for time

10 Air Squats

10 Hand Release Push-ups

5 DB clean & Jerks @ 2xHeavy

RX+ With a 20/14lb weight vest

TC: 30 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options


10 rounds

15 Air Squats

10 Hand Elevated Push-ups

5 Moderate DB Clean & Jerks


lower rounds to 10



Air Squats

Hand release Push-ups

Cal Bike

Metcon (Time)

SYNCHRO workout w/ Partner

15 rounds

10 Air Squats

10 Hand release Push-ups

5 DB clean & Jerks @ 2xHeavy

Athletes must meet each other at the top of every rep

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)

3 sets

12 Double KB RDL

rest 60 sec

30 sec Ring Gymnastic plank

Res 60 sec