2 sets
30sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run
10 Cossack Squats
10 Banded Overhead Squats
B. Mobility
World greatest stretch
2 sets of 10-15 rep/side
C. Specific (Drills focused on creating consistency)
2 sets@ ascending
3 Power snatch balance (Watch footing)
3 Tall box jumps
3 High hang power snatch @ pocket (Watch bar @ extension)
3 Tall box jumps
3 Low hang power snatch @ below the knees (Watch bar path until ext)
3 Tall box jumps
3 Tempo Power snatch
The goal for each drill is that athletes achieve the same footwork every rep, the same bar path every rep, etc.
30 Snatch 185/135lbs
3 Deficit HSPU 4/2"
5 Burpee DB clean* 2×50/35lbs
7 Box jump overs 24/20"
Score: Time
TC: 14 mins
Scaling options
5-7 Rounds
3 DB Strict Press @moderate*
5 Burpee DB clean* @moderate*
7 Jump to Plate
*Same DB weight
7 Rounds
5 Burpee DB clean* @2×35/25lbs
5 Box jump overs @24/20"
10 Rounds
3 Deficit HSPU 8/4"
5 Burpee DB clean* @2×50/35lbs
7 Box jump overs @24/20"
5 x 55 @As heavy as possible
Score: Time
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
30 Snatch @Heavy (ish)/ Same weight as previous test
30 Snatch @155/105 lbs / Same weight as previous test
As written