60sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ easy
30sec Banded good mornings
45sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Moderate
30sec Banded T pull aparts
30sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Hard
B. Mobility
Front rack bent elbow stretch
5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec relax
C. Specific
2 sets
3 clean first pull
3 hang muscle clean
3 heaving hang squat clean
3 jerk dips
3 jerk balances
3 Push Jerk
3 tempo clean & jerk
30 Clean & Jerk 225/155lbs
20/16 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 KB Swings 24/16 Kg
20/16 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 KB Swings 24/16 Kg
TC: 20mins
Scaling options
3 rounds
12/9 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 Russian KB Swings @light Kg
12/9 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 Russian KB Swings @light Kg
3 rounds
16/14 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 Russian KB Swings @light Kg
16/14 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
20 Russian KB Swings @light Kg
3 rounds
20/16 Cal Bike
20 KB Swings @24/16 Kg
20/16 Cal Bike
20 KB Swings @24/16 Kg
20/16 Cal Bike*
*Yes, athletes will stay on the machine for 40 cals between rounds.
3 x 8/side
Brace the core, then and only then, press forward aggressively and hold in extension for 2-3 seconds for every rep
Score: Time
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
30 Clean & Jerk @Heavy/Same weight as previous test
30 Clean & Jerk @185/135lbs or Same weight as previous test
As written