Thursday, December 16th 2021

A. General
60 Seconds Row/Bike/Run/Ski @Easy
5 Banded T pull aparts
25ft in and out ladder drill

B. Mobility
Half kneeling hip flexor stretch
3 sets of 5 reps w/ 7 sec hold contraction

C. Specific
3 rounds
15 sec on/15 sec off
1. Row @Hard
2. Tall box jumps
3. Bent over row @light

Metcon (7 Rounds for reps)
Every 3 mins x 21mins
500m Row or 400m Run

1. @damper 10/8
2. @damper 7/5
3. @damper 4/3

Score: Time of each round (7 scores)

Scaling options
*Athletes should have at least 1min rest
300m Row

400m Row

Metcon (Time)
Rogue Wheel Challenge
Forward Plate Hold for Time
RX Weight:
Men – 45 LBS (20 KG)
Women – 25 LBS (10 KG)

KG 20/10
Score: Time
TC: 10mins

Scaling options

Men – 25 LBS (10 KG)
Women – 10 LBS (5 KG)

Extra Accessory
4 sets
10-20 sec/side Contralateral ring plank
Rest 30 seconds
10 Pike up in and out over KB
Rest 30 seconds

Goal: Core stability and compression