Saturday, December 18th 2021
A. General
5 min Bike, row, ski
*every min complete 5 Air squats
5 min Bike, row, ski
*every min complete 5 Air squats
B. Mobility
Prayer stretch with foam roller
3 x 5-10 breaths while holding the stretch
C. Specific
3 sets
5 Deadlifts @ascending
20 sec of double unders
5 Lat to fly + 3 Glide swings
1 Bar mu or CTB or Jumping pull-up
1-3 wall walks or Handstand walk practice
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15minutes
5 Wall walks
7 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlift @65%
5 Wall walks
7 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlift @65%
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 25minutes
5 Wall walks
7 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlift @65%
5 Wall walks
7 Bar muscle ups
9 Deadlift @65%
Round for round, one person working at a time. While one partner works the other is hanging from the pull-up bar OR holding the deadlift bar off the floor.
Extra Accessory
3 sets
15 Hollow body lat pull downs
5 Hollow body hip to bar, band assisted
rest as needed
15 Hollow body lat pull downs
5 Hollow body hip to bar, band assisted
rest as needed
Goal: Gymnastics core and lat strength reinforcement
Score: Rounds + Reps
Scaling options
5 Wall walks-Halfway up
7 Ring Rows
9 Deadlift @Light Moderate
5 Wall walks
7 Pull Ups
9 Deadlift @65%
As Written