CrossFit – Tue, Dec 20


A. General

2 sets

1 min Easy Machine

10 rotating scorpions

3 Explosive push-ups/kneeling push-ups

B. Specific (Bench)

2 sets

10 Empty bar Bench press, control descent

10 Empty bar bent over rows*

*focus on the scapular region, avoid shrugging.

C. Specific (Metcon)

3-5 reps on each movement

Deadlift (3-3-3+
70/80/90% of your WORK 1 rep max
The plus sign means the last set is a max set. Do as many as you can. This means you Erin.

Metcon (Time)

For Time

30 Box jumps 30/24″

30 CTB

30 DB Cleans 2×50/35 lbs

30 DB Walking lunges 2×50/35 lbs

30 TTB

30 DB Push press 2×50/35 lbs

30 V Ups

30 Wall balls 20/14lbs @12/10’

30 DB facing burpees

90 Double-unders

KG: WB 9/7, DBs 22.5/15 KG

TC: 20 Mins

Score: Time

Scaling Options


20 Box jumps @20/plate”

20 Ring Row

20 DB cleans @ 2x 25/15lbs

20 DB Walking lunges @ 2x 25/15lbs

20 Hanging Knee Raise

20 DB Push press @ 2x 25/15lbs

20 Hollow ups

20 Wall balls @12/8 lbs

20 ½ Burpees

60 Single Unders


30 Box jumps @24/20″

30 Pull Ups/Assisted pull ups

30 DB cleans @2 x35/25lbs

30 DB Walking lunges @2 x35/25lbs

30 Toes to eye level

30 DB Push press @2 x35/25lbs

30 V Ups

30 Wall balls @20/14 lbs

30 DB facing burpees

30 Double Unders – 50 Single Unders


30 Box jumps @30/24″

30 CTB

30 DB cleans @2×50/35 lbs

30 DB Walking lunges @2×50/35 lbs

30 TTB

30 DB Push press @2×50/35 lbs

30 GHD sit-ups

30 Wall balls @30/20 lbs

30 DB facing burpees

30 Triple Unders

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)

3 sets

10 Paused Pendlay row* @ heavy

30 secs D-ball bear hug hold, tall kneeling

*1 sec pause at the chest