CrossFit – Thu, Dec 22


A. General

30 Jumping Jacks

25′ samson stretch lunges

30 air squats

25′ Banded Monster Walk

B. Mobility

Banded hip mobilization

10 in and out/side

C. Specific

2 Sets

4/4 Single leg Hip Thrust

4 Deep Squat T-spine rotations

4 Broad jumps (TnG)

Back Squat (3-3-3+
70/80/90% of your WORKING 1RM
The plus on the last set means its a max effort set. Do as many as you can with decent form.)

“Goat Day” (Checkmark)

EMOM 18minutes

Odd- 40 sec Monostructural

Even- 40 sec High skill

Choose a weak movement. This movement must be light (below 50% of your max rep if it’s a barbell).

Odd minutes: monostructural or repetitive movement patterns

– Burpees

– Double unders

– Row/Bike/Ski

– Box jump over (Open standards)

Even minutes: Higher skill

– Squat Snatch


– Split Jerk

– Pistols

Extra Accessory
Accessory (Checkmark)

Band assisted Nordic curls

3 x 6

Rest as needed between sets

Slow and controlled descent