Monday, December 27th 2021
A. General
2-3 sets
40 sec row/bike
6 Banded OHS
2-3 sets
40 sec row/bike
6 Banded OHS
40 sec row/bike
3/3 Windmills @ light DB
B. Mobility
PNF Couch stretch
5x/side: 5 sec contracting the glute / 5 sec stretching the hip flexor
C. Specific
3 sets Ascending in weight for the back squat
30 second Tempo back squats @ empty bar
4/4 banded unilateral ohs
Back Squat (4×10 @65%)
Metcon (Time)
2 rounds for time
20 Alternating DB Snatch 1×50/35lbs
10 DB facing burpees
20 DB OH Squat 1×50/35lbs
10 DB facing burpees
50′ Single DB OH Walking lunges 1×50/35lbs
10 DB facing burpees
20 Alternating DB Snatch 1×50/35lbs
10 DB facing burpees
20 DB OH Squat 1×50/35lbs
10 DB facing burpees
50′ Single DB OH Walking lunges 1×50/35lbs
10 DB facing burpees
KG: 22.5/15
Score: Time
TC: 15mins
Score: Time
TC: 15mins
Scaling options
2 rounds
16 Alternating DB Snatch @1×25/15 lbs
8 burpees
16 DB Goblet Squats @1×25/15 lbs
8 burpees
50′ Single DB Goblet Walking lunge @ 25/15 or unweighted
8 burpees
1×35/25 lb DB
1×100/70 lb DB (10 reps)
Extra Accessory
3 sets
12 Banded T
30 secGHD hip ext + W hold @parallel
12 Banded T
30 secGHD hip ext + W hold @parallel
Goal: Posterior Chain Strength
TC: 18 mins
Scaling options
Back squat
4 x 10 @ Moderate
As written
Front squat + Back squat
5 x 5 + 10 @ 75% of FS