60sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ easy
30sec Banded good mornings
45sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Moderate
30sec Banded T pull aparts
30sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Hard
B. Mobility
Front rack bent elbow stretch
5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec relax
C. Specific
2 sets
3 clean first pull
3 hang muscle clean
3 low hang power clean
3 jerk dips
3 push press
3 Push Jerk
3 tempo clean & jerk
5-10 Cal Machine @hard
AMRAP 2 minutes
15/12 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Max Clean & Jerk 185/135 lbs
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk 185/135 lbs
Max Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Rest 2 minutes
Partners will pair up and complete the above work as written. In the first amrap, While one partner bikes the other is completing C&J’s at the same time, when P1 gets to 15/12 cals they will switch movements and P2 will now have the rest of the 2mins to complete their 15/12 cals while P1 getting as many C&J’s as possible. Same thing on the second amrap but with the C&J’s dictating when the pair switches movements.
3 x 8 reps
Score: Total reps
TC: 14mins
Scaling options
2 rounds
Amrap 2 minutes
10/8 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Max Clean & Jerk @mod-heavy
Rest 2 minutes
Amrap 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk @mod-heavy
Max Cal Bike/Ski/Row
2 rounds
Amrap 2 minutes
12/10 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Max Clean & Jerk @155/115 lbs
Rest 2 minutes
Amrap 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk @155/115 lbs
Max Cal Bike/Ski/Row
2 rounds
Amrap 2 minutes
15/12 Cal Assault bike
Max Clean & Jerk @185/135 lbs
Rest 2 minutes
Amrap 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk @185/135 lbs
Max Cal Assault Bike
Rest 2 minutes