Saturday, December 4th 2021

A. General
60sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ easy
30sec Banded good mornings
45sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Moderate
30sec Banded T pull aparts
30sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Hard

B. Mobility
Front rack bent elbow stretch
5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec relax

C. Specific
2 sets
3 clean first pull
3 hang muscle clean
3 low hang power clean
3 jerk dips
3 push press
3 Push Jerk
3 tempo clean & jerk
5-10 Cal Machine @hard

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
2 rounds

AMRAP 2 minutes
15/12 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Max Clean & Jerk 185/135 lbs

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk 185/135 lbs
Max Cal Bike/Ski/Row

Rest 2 minutes

KG: 80/60
Score: Total reps
TC: 14mins

Scaling options
2 rounds
Amrap 2 minutes
10/8 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Max Clean & Jerk @mod-heavy
Rest 2 minutes
Amrap 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk @mod-heavy
Max Cal Bike/Ski/Row

2 rounds
Amrap 2 minutes
12/10 Cal Bike/Ski/Row
Max Clean & Jerk @155/115 lbs
Rest 2 minutes
Amrap 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk @155/115 lbs
Max Cal Bike/Ski/Row

2 rounds
Amrap 2 minutes
15/12 Cal Assault bike
Max Clean & Jerk @185/135 lbs
Rest 2 minutes
Amrap 2 minutes
6 Clean & Jerk @185/135 lbs
Max Cal Assault Bike
Rest 2 minutes

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Team Version

Partners will pair up and complete the above work as written. In the first amrap, While one partner bikes the other is completing C&J’s at the same time, when P1 gets to 15/12 cals they will switch movements and P2 will now have the rest of the 2mins to complete their 15/12 cals while P1 getting as many C&J’s as possible. Same thing on the second amrap but with the C&J’s dictating when the pair switches movements.

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Neutral grip DB Skullcrushers
3 x 8 reps