Monday, December 6th 2021
A. General
2 rounds
30 sec row or bike
30 sec Air squat
30 sec high box step ups
2 rounds
30 sec row or bike
30 sec Air squat
30 sec high box step ups
B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg
C. Specific Pistol Progression
3 sets
4 Back squats @ascending
20sec Hollow rocks
6-10 reps of: Pistol Progression
Pistol Progression
Reverse Lunge to Stand-Back Foot Plantar Flexed
Reverse Lunge to Stand- Back Foot Off Ground
Box Elevated Pistol w/ Plate Counterbalance
Heel Lock Pistol – 2 second pause at bottom
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 12minutes
Alternate between:
Min 1: 8 Back Squat @60-70%
Min 2: 20sec Max Pistols
Min 3: Rest
Alternate between:
Min 1: 8 Back Squat @60-70%
Min 2: 20sec Max Pistols
Min 3: Rest
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15minutes
12/9 Cal Row
8 Deadlift 115/75 lbs
6 Hang Power Clean 115/75 lbs
12/9 Cal Row
8 Deadlift 115/75 lbs
6 Hang Power Clean 115/75 lbs
KG: 50/40
Score: Rounds + reps
Score: Rounds + reps
Scaling options
Amrap 15
10/7 Cal Row
8 Deadlift @light-moderate of HPC
6 Hang Power Clean @light-moderate
*Same weight on BB for both movements
Amrap 15
12/9 Cal Row
8 Deadlift @95/65
6 Hang Power Clean @95/65 lbs
As written
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Sandbag/D-ball Carry
3 x 100′ @heavy
3 x 100′ @heavy
Rest as needed
Goal: Maintain heavy loads on the body
The carries are a great way to increase core strength and stability in a functional way without straining the joints too much which is why we’ve put it in our deload week.
The carries are a great way to increase core strength and stability in a functional way without straining the joints too much which is why we’ve put it in our deload week.
Scaling options
Alternate between:
Min 1: 8 Back Squat @Light-Moderate
Min 2: 5/5 Elevated Pistols or Step ups
Min 3: Rest
Alternate between:
Min 1: 8 Back Squat @60-70%
Min 2: 20 sec of Max Heel Lock Pistols
Min 3: Rest
As written