CrossFit – Tue, Dec 6


A. General

3 rounds

10/8 cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200m Run @Easy

10 Muscle Snatch

10 Scorpions

B. Mobility

World greatest stretch

2 sets of 10-15 rep/side

C. Specific

1-2 sets of:

3-4 Box Rope clamp progression / 3 Jump + clamp

30 seconds tall kneeling Front rack hold with 1 DB


1 Lay to standing RC / 1-2 Rope climbs

25’ Front Rack carry

Metcon (Time)

3 sets

3 Rope climb or Max strict Chin-ups

100′ Front Rack Carry 2×50/35lbs

1min Recovery on a Machine or Run

KG: 22.5/15 KG

TC: 15 min

Score: Slowest Set

Scaling Options


3 Laying to stand Rope Climbs or Assisted Chin Ups

50′ Front Rack Carry @ 2×25/15lbs


1 Rope climb or Max strict Chin-ups

100′ Front Rack Carry @2×35/25


4 sets

3 Rope climb or Max strict Chin-ups

100′ Front Rack Carry @2×70/50

60 seconds Recovery Cal Bike

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 x

AMRAP 4minutes

10 Power Snatch 95/65 lbs

10 Bar facing Burpees

Rest 2 between each AMRAP

KG: 45/30 KG

TC: 16 min

Score: Total Reps

Scaling Options


7 Power Snatch @45/35

7 Burpees


10 Power Snatch @75/55

10 Bar facing Burpees


12 Cal Assault Bike

10 Power Snatch @95/65

8 Bar facing Burpees

Rest 2 between each amrap

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)

3 sets

8 Heavy DB Seal Row 3 sec eccentric

10 Banded Y’s

30 fast Banded Lat Pulldown