Tuesday, December 7th 2021
A. General
Row 150m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Row 200m
25′ Banded Monster Walk
Row 150m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Row 200m
25′ Banded Monster Walk
B. Specific
3 sets
8/8 single leg glute bridges
5 Tuck Jumps*
3 Broad jumps*
Metcon (Distance)
Jump over box
6 x 6 reps @Ascending
*Clear the box
6 x 6 reps @Ascending
*Clear the box
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Every 6 mins x 4 sets
AMRAP 2minutes
Wall ball 20/14 lbs
Burpee to target
Rest 2 minutes
200m Row
KG: 10/8
Score: Total rounds + reps (one continued score)
TC: 24mins
Score: Total rounds + reps (one continued score)
TC: 24mins
Scaling options
Every 6 mins x 4 sets
Amrap 2
Wall ball @light
Rest 2 minutes
150m Row
Intermediate & COMP
As written
Extra Accessory
Elbow plank hold
3 x 60 sec
3 x 60 sec
Add weight if possible
The goal here is to continue the core work but in an isometric way which again is great to reduce strain and intensity while still maintaining strength during our deload.
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
Low height PVC jump over
6×10 reps
*Based of athlete
comfort with jumping
Intermediate & COMP
As written