5 minutes Jump rope lead practice:
10 rotating scorpions
10 Beat swings
10 rotating full squat T spine rotations
10 Alternating high box step ups
B. Bar mu Drills
Pay attention to the armpits, they will tell you a lot of information about the athlete. How fast is the angle closing? When is it closing in relation to where the torso is?
3 sets @ascending
5 beat swings
3 Lat to fly + 1 Glide kip Cue: Lat activation
1-3 Jumping B MU or B MU
*Beginners can substitute Jumping CTB for the BMU
C. Specific
Use this prep to work on the skill components of each movement individually with your athletes.
3 rounds
20 double unders
5 Thrusters
1-3 bar mu
2-3 sets
Pistol variation*
Hand release push ups
* Pistol variations:
Heel lock:
Band assisted
Counter weight
Heel elevated
63 Double Unders
21 Thrusters 95/65 lbs
7 Bar Muscle-ups
Buy out:
100 Pistols
106 Double Unders
21 Synchro Thrusters @95/65 lbs
7 Synchro Bar mu
Buy out:
100 Pistols, you go I go
30 sec/side Side bend hold on GHD
50′ Plank plates drag
Score: Time
TC: 30 mins
Scaling options
5 rounds for time
63 Single Unders
21 Thrusters @ light
7 Jumping CTB @ controlled descent
Buy out:
50 lunges (forward or reverse)
5 rounds for time
35 Double Unders
21 Thrusters 75/55 lbs
7 Jumping Bar mu
Buy out:
50-70 Pistols (use variation if needed)
3 rounds
20 Pistols
20 GHD Sit-ups