Wednesday, February 2nd 2022
A. General
20 Deep squat T spine rotations
20 Rotating scorpions
20 Alternating Dead bugs
20 Hand release push-ups / Hand elevated push-ups
20 Alternating Candle sticks (Double or single leg)
*Be sure to give athletes plenty of time to accumulate the reps at a warm up pace
20 Deep squat T spine rotations
20 Rotating scorpions
20 Alternating Dead bugs
20 Hand release push-ups / Hand elevated push-ups
20 Alternating Candle sticks (Double or single leg)
*Be sure to give athletes plenty of time to accumulate the reps at a warm up pace
B. Hang Clean to Thruster drills
– Tall muscle clean
– Tall muscle half squat clean (pull under as you muscle clean up)
– Setup up position hold
– Setup position hold + jump up
– Hang clean
Metcon (Weight)
5 Sets
2 Hang cleans with pause @ above the knees for 3 seconds
2 Hang cleans with pause @ above the knees for 3 seconds
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 9mins
30 Pistols
15 Ring Dips
30 Pistols
15 Ring Dips
Score: Rounds + reps
Scaling options
30 Alternating high box step ups
10 Kneeling Push Ups
20 Heel Lock Pistols
15 Toe Supported Ring Dips
As written
Extra Accessory
Banded RDL
3 x 12/side
Rest 60 seconds between sets
3 x 12/side
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Goal: Unilateral post chain stability
-Use the opposite arm to the working leg
Scaling options
5 x 2 Hang clean + front squat
As written
Amrap 5 minutes
Hang Clusters @155/105