Monday, February 21st 2022
A. General
Bike/Ski/Row 5 mins @Increasing intensity
At the top of every min:
10 sec of pause air squats
Bike/Ski/Row 5 mins @Increasing intensity
At the top of every min:
10 sec of pause air squats
B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg
C. Activation
3 sets @ascending
10 x 90/90 hip rotations
10 Banded knee external rotation
2 Back squat + 1 Pause Squat* + 2 Back squats
*3-5 sec
D. Metcon Prep
2 sets @ascending from empty bar to working weight
3 Bar facing burpees
3 btn snatch push press
3 Tempo OHS @4sec down
6 Cal Row @hard
Bring Sally Up’
Back Squat @135/95 lbs
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15minutes
6 Bar facing burpees
9 OH Squat 115/75lbs
12/10 Cal Row
6 Bar facing burpees
9 OH Squat 115/75lbs
12/10 Cal Row
Kg: 50/40
Score: Rounds + reps
Score: Rounds + reps
Scaling options
4 Burpees
6 OH Squat @light
9/7 Cal Row
6 Bar facing burpees
9 OH Squat @95/65
12/10 Cal Row
As written
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Death march
3 x 50′
3 x 50′
Goal: Posterior chain strength + stability
TC: 3:24
Scaling options
Air squat
95/65 lbs
Back Squat
Every 30sec X 8
1 rep @82%