Saturday, February 26th 2022

A. General
2 sets
30sec Bike/Row/Ski/100m Run
10 Wall Balls
10 Banded T pull aparts

B. Mobility
"Banded front delt PNF stretch
5 x 5 sec Contract/5 sec Stretch

C. Specific
3 Sets @ ascending
5 Cal @Hard
4 Burpee box jump overs
3 Hang clean pulls + 1 Hang power clean
1 Ring mu or ring mu substitute

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10mins max cal Bike/Row/Ski

Immediately begin, For reps
4mins Burpee box jump over 24/20"
4mins Hang power clean 185/135 lbs
4mins Ring Muscle-ups
4mins Hang power clean 185/135 lbs
4mins Burpee box jump over 24/20"

10mins max cal Bike/Row/Ski

Kg: 80/60
Score: Total reps
TC: 40mins

Scaling options
Burpee plate jump over @low
Hang power clean @moderate
5 Ring rows + 5 Push-ups
Hang power clean @moderate
Burpee plate jump over @low

Burpee box jump over @24/20"
Hang power clean @155/105 lbs
Ring mu OR 5 CTB + 5 Ring dips
Hang power clean @155/105 lbs
Burpee box jump over @24/20"

10mins max cal Echo Bike
Burpee over wall @48/40"
D-ball Carry @150/100 (25/25′)
Ring mu
D-ball Carry @150/100 (25/25′)
Burpee over wall @48/40"
10mins max cal Echo Bike

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Team Version

As written:
You go, I go style, one athlete working at a time. Feel free to increase the weight on the hang clean depending on the athletes.

Extra Accessory
3 sets
30 seconds Glute Bridge March + pause
20 Prone banded hamstring curls

Goal: Post chain health + stability