Thursday, February 3rd 2022

A. General
60 sec Bike/Row/Ski @easy
30/30 sec couch stretch
45 sec Bike/Row/Ski @mod
15 Russian KB swings
30 sec Bike/Row/Ski @hard
6 Squat clean Wall balls

B. Mobility
World greatest stretch
10-15 rep/side

C. Metcon Prep
5 reps on each movement in order

Metcon (Weight)
4 sets
6/6 Unilateral hip thrusts*
6/6 Unilateral RDL + reach
Rest as needed

TC: 10 minutes

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20 mins
10 Cal Bike/Ski/Row/Run 100m
10 KB swings 50/35lbs
10 Box jumps 24/20"

Kg: 22.5/15
Score: Rounds + reps

Scaling options
5 Cal Bike/Ski/Row/Run 50m
10 RKB swings @Moderate
10 Plate Jumps @ Moderate

10 Cal Bike/Ski/Row/Run 100m
10 KB swings 50/35 lbs
10 Box jumps 24/20"

Cool down
10 minutes recovery bike or jog RIGHT after metcon

Goal: Recovery

It will be a good idea for you to stretch your lats and hip flexors after this session.