Saturday, February 5th 2022

A. General
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200m Run @Easy
50′ Walking Lunges + twist
5 Heaving hang squat clean

B. Mobility
Single leg deficit calf raise
30 sec/side

C. Specific
3 sets
20 seconds of double unders
5 handstand push-ups
1-3 Cleans @ascending

Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
80 Double unders
20 Push ups
10 Power cleans 185/135lbs

KG: 80/60
Score: Time
TC: 30 mins

Scaling options
5 rounds
80 Single unders, attempting a double every 10-20 reps
20 Hand elevated push-ups
10 Power cleans @heavy

5 rounds
40 Double unders
10 Push-ups
10 Power cleans @155/105 lbs

5 rounds
20 Hspu
10 D-ball over shoulders @150/100

Metcon (Time)
Team Version

For time
600 Double unders
200 Push ups
1 Clean @ 80% before every switch

One person working at a time, partitioning the reps how you like, but before you switch partners you must complete:
1 Clean @80%

Extra Accessory
3 sets
10 Pendlay row
10 Hollow body band lat pulldown

Goal: Push/pull power

-Be explosive on the concentric