Tuesday, February 8th 2022
A. General
2min Row @easy-mod
20 Hollow rocks
10/10 Banded Bird dog rows
2min Row @easy-mod
20 Hollow rocks
10/10 Banded Bird dog rows
B. Mobility
Prayer stretch with foam roller
2 x 7-10 PNF breaths:
Contract on the inhale, relax + lengthen on the exhale
C. Ring mu Drills
3 sets
5 Russian Dips on boxes
5 Banded sling shot muscle up OR Sit-up Floor muscle up
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Death by Ring muscle-ups
Min 1 = 1 rep
Min 2 = 2 reps
Min 3 = 3 reps
Min 1 = 1 rep
Min 2 = 2 reps
Min 3 = 3 reps
Etc… until death
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds for time
12 Box jump overs 30/24"
24 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk 1×50/35 lbs
12 Box jump overs 30/24"
24 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk 1×50/35 lbs
Kg: 15/10
Score: Time
TC: 15 mins
Score: Time
TC: 15 mins
Scaling options
4 rounds
8 PLate jump overs @High
18 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk @1xModerate
4 rounds
12 Box jump overs 24/20"
18 Alternating DB Clean and Jerk 1×50/35 lbs
24 pull ups
24 Wall Balls 30/20 lbs
Extra Accessory
Low ring face pull
3 x 10
Hold 2 seconds at peak contraction
3 x 10
Hold 2 seconds at peak contraction
Goal: Shoulder health
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
EMOM 10minutes
3-5 Assisted pull-ups + 3-5 assisted dips
Box transition muscle ups
CTB + Ring dip
5 sets
10-15 second chin up hold on rings
Rest 15 seconds
Max Ring muscle ups
Rest 3 minutes