Wednesday, February 9th 2022

A. General
Row 150m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Row 200m
25′ Banded Monster Walk

B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg

C. Activation
2 sets
6/6 bulgarian split squats
8 Banded Abduction glute bridge + 2-3 sec pause
5 Tempo squats @ascending + 3sec down

Back Squat (Weight)
EMOM 8minutes
1 Back Squat @80-85%

Score: Weight across

Scaling options

Intermediate & COMP
As written

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 16minutes
12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts 255/165 lbs
12 Bar facing Burpees

Kg: 120/80
Score: Rounds + reps
RX*: Deadlift @ 275/185 lbs

Scaling options
10/8 Cal Row
9 Deadlifts @ Moderate-Heavy
8 Burpees

12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts @ 225/135 lbs
10 Bar facing Burpees

Every 2 mins x 8
12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts @ 275/185 lbs
In the remaining time of the EMOM, perform bar facing burpees. Goal is to hit more or less 10 reps

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
5 sets
8 DB bench press @2xHeavy
20 seconds Hold support position on rings
Rest as needed between sets

Goal: Upper push pull strength