Wednesday, February 9th 2022
A. General
Row 150m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Row 200m
25′ Banded Monster Walk
Row 150m
25′ samson stretch lunges
Row 200m
25′ Banded Monster Walk
B. Mobility
Lateral banded hip mobilization + knee drive
2 sets of 10-15 knee drive/leg
C. Activation
2 sets
6/6 bulgarian split squats
8 Banded Abduction glute bridge + 2-3 sec pause
5 Tempo squats @ascending + 3sec down
Back Squat (Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 16minutes
12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts 255/165 lbs
12 Bar facing Burpees
12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts 255/165 lbs
12 Bar facing Burpees
Kg: 120/80
Score: Rounds + reps
RX*: Deadlift @ 275/185 lbs
Score: Rounds + reps
RX*: Deadlift @ 275/185 lbs
Scaling options
10/8 Cal Row
9 Deadlifts @ Moderate-Heavy
8 Burpees
12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts @ 225/135 lbs
10 Bar facing Burpees
Every 2 mins x 8
12/10 Cal Row
12 Deadlifts @ 275/185 lbs
In the remaining time of the EMOM, perform bar facing burpees. Goal is to hit more or less 10 reps
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
5 sets
8 DB bench press @2xHeavy
20 seconds Hold support position on rings
Rest as needed between sets
8 DB bench press @2xHeavy
20 seconds Hold support position on rings
Rest as needed between sets
Goal: Upper push pull strength
1 Back Squat @80-85%
Score: Weight across
Scaling options
Intermediate & COMP
As written