Tuesday, January 11th 2022
A. General
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
10 Rotating scorpions
5/5 Hanging scapular C.A.R’s
3 rounds
10/8 cal Row @increasing intensity
10 Rotating scorpions
5/5 Hanging scapular C.A.R’s
B. Activation
3 sets
5 Bench press
5 Beat swings + 3 Pause ring rows
10 Banded W-Y
*Before the first set, gather athletes around the bench and cover the 5-points of contact explained below.
C. Pull up drills
Butterfly Progression:
Banded Butterfly pull down drill:
Double leg box circle drill
Single leg box circle drill
Lynne (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds for Max Reps of:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Bodyweight Bench Press
Extra Accessory
Floor facing W hold
Accumulate 180 seconds
Accumulate 180 seconds
Goal: Upper back isometric strength
If you can do more than 20 consecutive pull-ups complete RX+ strict pull-ups
Score: Total reps
TC: 30mins
Scaling options
Max Bench Press @ moderate
Max Assisted Strict Pull Ups OR Ring rows
Max Bench Press @0.5-0.75%xBW
Max Pull-Ups
5 sets @3 sec down
5 Close grip bench press @74%
5 Weighted strict chin ups