Thursday, January 13th 2022
A. General
3 sets
10 cal machine
12 wall balls
15 Banded Good Mornings
3 sets
10 cal machine
12 wall balls
15 Banded Good Mornings
B. Mobility
Parallette extension
10-15 repetitions
*If you don’t have parallettes you can stack plates
C. Activation
2 sets
5/5 Jumping bulgarian split squats
10 Russian KB swings
3 Inch worms
5 Push up to downward dogs
Look for knee stability in the bulgarian split squat like you would core stability on a regular squat.
Make sure the knees and hips drive the kb in sequence.
"Kid Day"
EMOM 10 minutes
X Skill
EMOM 10 minutes
X Skill
Choose a skill based movement and rep range for the even minute. Ie:
-Muscle up
-Butterfly pull-ups/CTB
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
2 rounds of
AMRAP 2minutes
20/15 Cal Row
Max rep Box jump overs 30/24" in the remaining time
AMRAP 2minutes
20/15 Cal Row
Max rep Box jump overs 30/24" in the remaining time
Rest 2mins b/w rounds
Metcon (Calories)
2 rounds
AMRAP 2minutes
12 Box jump overs 30/24"
Max Cal Row in the remaining time
AMRAP 2minutes
12 Box jump overs 30/24"
Max Cal Row in the remaining time
Extra Accessory
4 rounds for quality
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts@mod
30 sec/side Side plank
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts@mod
30 sec/side Side plank
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
12/10 Cal Row
Max rep plate jumps @moderate remaining time
10 plate jumps
Max Cal Row in the remaining time