CrossFit – Sat, Jan 14


A. General

3 rounds

30 sec Row or Bike

30 sec:

Rd 1: Inch worms

Rd 2: Air squats

Rd 3: push-up to downward dog

B. Mobility

Btn tricep stretch with plate

30 sec on / 10sec off x 2

C. Specific

3 sets @ascending

3 Power cleans + 2 Thrusters


2 sets

8 Pull-ups

4 Power Cleans @ascending

4 Bar mu

2 Thrusters @ascending

1 Rope climb

“Thunderbolt” (Time)
4 rounds
21 Pull-ups
9 Power cleans 185/135lbs
12 Bar muscle ups
6 Thrusters 185/135lbs
3 Rope climbs

Scaling Options


21 Ring Rows

9 Power cleans @ 65/45lbs

12 Jumping Rip dips/Parallette dips

6 Thrusters @65/45lbs

3 Jumping chin ups


18 Assisted Pull-ups

9 Power cleans @115/75lbs

9 Jumping Bar muscle ups

6 Thrusters @ 115/75lbs

1 Rope climbs


4 rounds

21 Pull-ups

9 Power cleans @185/135 lbs

12 Bar muscle ups

6 Thrusters @185/135 lbs

3 Rope climbs


“Fran Tag”

With a partner, You go I go, round per round

20 rounds

9 Thrusters 95/65lbs

9 pull ups

Scaling Options:


9 Thrusters @ empty bar

9 Jumping Pull ups


9 Thrusters @ 75/55lbs

9 Assisted pull ups

Extra Accessory
Accessory (Checkmark)

Seal walk relay

Every member of the team must complete 2 x 50’

Split the class in 2 or 3 groups and have the teams perform a relay race in which every athlete must complete the distance twice.

Scaling options:

Beginner: Inchworm out 25’ and run back