Saturday, January 15th 2022

A. General

‘Coach says’
Just like Simon says but with ‘Coach says" and Crossift warm-up movements. For an added warm-up and spice to the game you can have athletes on a machine or doing jumping jacks in place between coach says.
Make sure you include at least two dynamic shoulder mobility movements.
Have fun!

B. Specific
Bar muscle up Drills + Progression
-Beat swings

-Scap pull + hollow body

-Lat to fly
-Glide Kip
-Jumping bar mu
-Bar mu

C. Metcon Prep
5 Cal Row
5 Pull-ups
3 DB squats
3 DB Thrusters
3 DB Hang squat clean

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 8 minutes
21 Cal Row
21 Pull-ups
21 DB Deadlifts 2×50/35lbs

4 mins Rest

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 6 mins
15 Cal Row
15 CTB
15 DB Front Squats 2×50/35lbs

2 mins Rest

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 4 mins
9 Cal Row
9 Bar muscle ups
9 DB Hang Squat Cleans 2×50/35lbs

KG: 22.5/15
Score: 3 separate scores of rounds + reps
TC: 28 mins

Scaling options
18 Cal Row
18 Jumping Pull-ups
18 DB Deadlifts @2xModerate
12 Cal Row
12 Ring Row
12 DB Squats @2xModerate
6 Cal Row
6 Foot Elevated Ring Rows
6 DB Hang Power Cleans @2xModerate

18 Cal Row
18 Pull-ups
18 DB deadlifts @2×35/25
12 Cal Row
12 CTB
12 DB Squats @2×35/25
6 Cal Row
6 DB Hang Cleans @2×35/25

As written

Metcon (Time)
Team Version

2 rounds
90 Cal Row
45 Synchro CTB
45 Synchro DB Hang squat cleans @2×50/35 lbs
*One person working at a time on the rower

TC: 30 mins

Cool down
3-5 min cool down: machine of choice