Sunday, January 16th 2022

A. General
Row 30 sec
25′ samson stretch lunges
Row 45 sec
10 PVC shoulder dislocates

B. Mobility
PNF hamstring stretch
5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot
5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back

C. Specific
3 sets
100m Row @hard
10 alternating box step ups (unweighted)

Metcon (Time)
Accumulate for time:
4km Row
100 DB box step overs 24/20" + 2×50/35lbs

Partition the reps any way you’d like

KG: 22/16
Score: Time
TC: 45mins

Scaling options
Accumulate for time:
2.5km Row
100 DB box step overs @low + 2xlight

Accumulate for time:
4km Row
100 DB box step overs @24/20" + 2×35/25lbs

Extra Accessory
RDL Airplane
Accumulate 10 repetitions/side

Don’t skip these. Improving your hips and ankle stability is important and helpful for:
– Squat efficiency
– Pistols stability and efficiency
– preventing injury
and much more.