Saturday, January 22nd 2022

A. General
5 min Row/Bike/Ski/Run
At the top of each min: 3-5 burpees

B. Mobility
PNF hamstring stretch
5 seconds contraction, pushing against the band with your foot
5 seconds stretch, pulling your foot back

C. Activation
2 sets
5/5 Broad jump
10 Russian KB swings
12 Cal Bike, row, ski, or 200m Run

D. Hang clean drills
*Watch for athletes to keep the chest over the bar, with the bar moving from 1" above the knee through a nice long smooth pull.
5 Hang clean pull
5 Hang clean High pull
5 Rack delivery

5 Hang clean

10mins to ramp up and practice the movements in the metcon

Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups

Metcon (Time)
For Time
30 Box Jump overs 30/24"
15 Hang cleans 185/135 lbs
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10minutes
20 KB swings 24/16Kg
10 Bar facing burpees
30 Air squats
10 Bar facing burpees

KG: 100/70 + 80/60
Score: 3 scores: Time, time, rounds + reps
TC: 24mins

Scaling options
Deadlifts @Moderate
DB Strict Press @ Moderate
30 Plate Jump overs @High
15 Hang Power Cleans @Heavy
20 Russian KB swings @Moderate
6 burpees
20 Air squats
6 burpees

Deadlifts @185/115
30 Box Jump overs @ 24/20"
15 Hang Cleans @ 155/105

As written

Metcon (Time)
For time
90 Deadlifts 225/155 lbs
60 Box Jump overs 30/24"
30 Hang cleans 185/135 lbs
40 KB swings 24/16 Kg
20 Bar facing burpees
60 Air squats
20 Bar facing burpees

One person working at a time, you go, I go.

TC 24 mins

Extra Accessory
Half Kneeling Landmine press
3 x 6/side @heavy
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

Goal: Unilateral pressing strength

-Keep your shoulder pressing into your body, do not allow it to shrug toward the ear in any portion of the press.
Half Kneeling Landmine press