Tuesday, January 25th 2022

A. General
1 min row @easy
5 Inchworms
45 sec row @mod
7 mini band wall slides
30 sec row @hard
10 alternating Y arm raises on a box*

B. Mobility
Rotating Iron Cross
10 reps + 2 Sec pause

C. Clean drills
3 sets
3 Kneeling jump to box jump **
3 slow motion clean high pulls
3 hang clean high pulls @ above knees
3 hang clean high pulls @ below knees

Clean (4 x 1+1)
4 Sets
1 Hang Clean @ above knees
1 Hang clean @ below knees
Rest 2 mins between sets

Ascend to a heavy but technically sound weight.

Score: Time
TC: 15mins

Scaling options
You can have both reps done above the knees

As written

Work up to a heavy 3 position power clean, RPE 8/10
– 3 Positions Power Clean = Floor-Low high-hang

Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
15 Pull Ups
12 Deadlifts 155/105lbs

Kg: 70/50
Score: Time
TC: 12 mins

Scaling options
12 Ring/Body Rows
12 Deadlift @mod

10-15 Pull Ups
15 Deadlift @135/95 lbs

As written

Extra Accessory
2 x 12 Bent over lateral raise
2 x 12 Trap-3 raise
2 x 12 Banded Pulldown

Rest 60 seconds between each movement.

Goal: Upper back prehab

-This should not be heavy or challenging, make sure your reps are for quality and not exhaustion. This is a deload week.