Friday, January 28th 2022
A. General
Amrap 6 minutes
12 In and out squats
10 Squat clean wall balls*
8/8 Banded monster walks
*Perform a squat clean into a wall ball
Amrap 6 minutes
12 In and out squats
10 Squat clean wall balls*
8/8 Banded monster walks
*Perform a squat clean into a wall ball
B. Mobility
B1.. Pigeon Stretch
30 sec/side
B2. Foam roller wall slide
10 repetition slow and controlled
C. Specific Activation
3 rounds
Row: 5 cals arms only + 5 cals legs/hips only
8 Alternating curtsy lunges
3 Inch worms
5 DB pause squats
EMOM 24minutes
Min 1: 15/10 Cal Row
Min 2: 50′ DB Front Rack Lunges 2×50/35lbs
Min 3: 4 Wall walks
Min 4: 20 DB Squats 2×50/35lbs
Min 1: 15/10 Cal Row
Min 2: 50′ DB Front Rack Lunges 2×50/35lbs
Min 3: 4 Wall walks
Min 4: 20 DB Squats 2×50/35lbs
Extra Accessory
Every 3 minutes for 9 minutes
5 Bench Press @mod-heavy
10 Tall kneeling wallball toss against the wall
5 Bench Press @mod-heavy
10 Tall kneeling wallball toss against the wall
Goal: Strength Endurance
Score: Total reps
Scaling options
Min 1: 10/6 Cal Row
Min 2: 50′ DB Goblet Lunges @1xmoderate
Min 3: 2 Feet elevated plank to pike walk
Min 4: 15 DB Goblet Squats @1xmoderate above
Min 1: 12/8 Cal Row
Min 2: 50′ DB Front Rack Lunges @2×35/25
Min 3: 2 Wall walks
Min 4: 20 DB Squats @2×35/25
Min 1: 15/10 Cal Row
Min 2: 50′ Double DB Front Rack Lunges @2×50/35
Min 3: 50′ Hs walk
Min 4: 2 Rope Climbs