Monday, January 3rd 2022
A. General
Bike/Ski/Row 2 mins @Easy
*At some point get 10 cals in as hard as possible while maintaining a cadence (RPMs) on the bike or pace time on the rower (cals/hr)
Bike/Ski/Row 2 mins @Easy
*At some point get 10 cals in as hard as possible while maintaining a cadence (RPMs) on the bike or pace time on the rower (cals/hr)
B. Mobility
Standing wall lat stretch PNF
5 sec contract, 5 sec relax + stretch
B. Activation
2 sets
3 Banded shoulder oscillation
10 Band pull aparts
20 Alternating wall facing shoulder taps
3-5 Kipping hspu or DB push press
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 10minutes
Min 1: 10 Bent over rows @heavy
Min 2: 10 HSPU
Min 1: 10 Bent over rows @heavy
Min 2: 10 HSPU
RX+ increase to strict hspu if possible to go unbroken
Metcon (Time)
For time
KB swings @24/16 Kg
Cal Bike/Row/Ski
KB swings @24/16 Kg
Cal Bike/Row/Ski
Score: Time
TC: 25mins
TC: 25mins
Scaling options
Russian KB swings @Moderate Kg
Cal Bike/Row/Ski
As Written
KB swings @24/16 Kg
Cal Echo Bike
Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
Zercher Carry
4 x 150’ @as heavy as possible
Rest as needed between sets
4 x 150’ @as heavy as possible
Rest as needed between sets
Goal: Upper back
This is programmed in order to improve your position in your Squat, Deadlift and all the weightlifting exercises. The load being largely in front of you increases upper back activation AND core activation.
Scaling options
Min 1: 10 Bent over rows @mod 3 sec down
Min 2: 10 DB Z Press @ Moderate
Z Press:
Min 1: 10 Bent over rows @heavy
Min 2: 10 Piked box hspu
Min 1: 100′ Farmer Carry @mod
Min 2: 10 Incline DB press