CrossFit – Fri, Jan 6


A. General

60sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ easy

30sec Banded good mornings

45sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Moderate

30sec Banded T pull aparts

30sec Row/Bike/Run/Ski @ Hard

B. Mobility

Front rack bent elbow stretch

5 x/side 5sec contract + 5 sec relax

C. Specific

2 sets

3 clean first pull

3 muscle clean

3 power clean

3 Tempo squat cleans

3 jerk dips

3 push press

3 Jerk

3 tempo clean & jerk (slow down first pull)

Clean and Jerk (Max Effort
1 Rep Max)

TC: 16 min

Score: Weight

Scaling Options


2 Clean and Jerks

Intermediate & Perform

As Written

Metcon (Time)

“Chipper Test: 22′ QF Event 1”

For time

50 dumbbell walking lunges

30 handstand push-ups

40 front-rack walking lunges

20 deficit handstand push-ups

30 overhead walking lunges

10 strict handstand push-ups

2 x 50/35-lb dumbbells for all lunges

HSPU: 3.5/2” deficit

KG: 22.5/15 KG

TC: 15 min

Score: Time

Scaling Options


50 walking lunges

30 DB Push Press

40 walking lunges

20 Hand elevated push ups

30 walking lunges

10 Banded pike push ups


50 dumbbell walking lunges

20 pike handstand push-ups

40 front-rack walking lunges

10 handstand push-ups

30 overhead walking lunges

5 handstand push-ups

2 x 35/25-lb dumbbells for all lunges


As Written

Extra Accessory
Accessory (Checkmark)

Not for time

100 Situps or V-ups