Saturday, January 8th 2022
A. General
3 Rounds
60 Seconds Row/Bike/Run/Ski @Easy
50′ Bear Crawl
10 Wall balls
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
3 Rounds
60 Seconds Row/Bike/Run/Ski @Easy
50′ Bear Crawl
10 Wall balls
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
B. Metcon Prep
2 rounds
3-5 reps on each movement
(20 double unders)
Metcon (Time)
@ 0:00
5 rounds
15 Snatch 75/55lbs
30 double unders
5 rounds
15 Snatch 75/55lbs
30 double unders
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10minutes
5 Devils press 2×50/35lbs
10 Box jump overs 30/24"
AMRAP 10minutes
5 Devils press 2×50/35lbs
10 Box jump overs 30/24"
Kg: 22.5/15
Score: Rounds + reps
Score: Rounds + reps
Total TC: 20mins
Scaling options
@ 0:00
5 rounds
15 Snatch @light
30 Single unders
Amrap 10
5 Devils press @1xmoderate
10 Plate jump overs @moderate
@ 0:00
5 rounds
15 Snatch @65/45 lbs
15 Double unders
Amrap 10
5 Devils press @1×50/35 lbs
10 Box jump overs @24/20"
As written
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Team Version
AMRAP 20 mins
One partner working at a time
15 Snatch 75/55lbs
30 double unders
5 Devils press 2×50/35lbs
10 Box jump overs 30/24"
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Rowling game!
Row to 100m
Caveat: You must stop rowing @ 80m
Score: meters both above or below 100m
95m = 5 points
106m = 6 points
Lowest score wins!
Extra Accessory
3 sets
60 sec Side plank (30sec R/L)
15 Reverse hypers @light
60 sec Side plank (30sec R/L)
15 Reverse hypers @light
Goal: Midline Strength + Stability
Score: Time