3 minutes @easy
B. Mobility
Seated T-spine extension
2-3 set of 5 deep breaths
Try to reach more ROM every time you exhale
C. Specific
-3 Clean lift offs (floor to above the knee)
-3 clean pulls
-3 Tall muscle cleans
-3 Rack deliveries
-3 Tall power cleans
-3 Front squat
-3 Tall squat cleans
*We are doing so many tall drills today to reinforce the extension position. As the goal of today’s clean session is to work on the third pull, and this must come from a full hip extension in the squat clean.
15 Power clean 95/65 lbs
25 Air Squats
7 Bar Muscle-ups
TC:16 min
Score: Time
Scaling Options
15 Power clean@ 45/35
15 Air Squats
5 Ring Rows
Power cleans @ 75/55lbs
sub with pull ups
Multiple short intervals
Every 3mins x 6
18/15 Cal Row
25 Air Squats
7 Bar Muscle-ups
15/12 Cal Assault Bike Sprint
30 Walking Lunges
Rest :45 between Rounds
2 x 2 @70%
3 x 2 @80%
TC: 12 min
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
6×2 @moderate across
As Written
Clean & Jerk
From Blocks:
Barbell start just below the knees
1 x (3+1) @60%
2 x (2+1) @70%
3 x (2+1) @80%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets