Sunday, July 17th 2022

A. General
Amrap 5 minutes
20 second machine
5 med ball cleans
5 MEdball good mornings
5 plank into downward dog

B. Mobility/Activation
Calf pedals
2 x 30 seconds
2x 6 Hip Hikes

C. Specific Prep
2 sets
30 seconds banded march

30 seconds mountain climbers

Odd Object
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
4 sets
100′ Bear hug Carry @ heavy*
50′ Sled Push @ heavy

* Can sub with double KB front rack carry

TC: 15 min
Score: Weight

Scaling Options
Beginner, Intermediate
As Written


Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 rounds
20 UB Wall Balls 20/14lbs
60 sec Max Cal Bike/or any Machine
Rest 2-4 minutes

KG: 9/7 KG
TC: 20 min
Score: Total Cals

Scaling Options
15 WB @ unbroken

15 UB Wall Ball @ 20/14

Extra Accessory
3 sets
8 Prone back Extensions
8 Band Face pulls

To finish the job on the posterior chain work, we’re targeting the upper back in this accessory piece.