Tuesday, July 19th 2022

A. General
2 rounds
30 sec Row
30sec/ side Elevated Banded ankle rocks
30sec Full squat T spine rotations

B. Activation
2 rounds
4/4 Front foot elevated, front rack split squats*
4 Front rack elbow rotations
* Elevate the front foot with a stack of plates or a lower box.

C. Metcon Prep
Row test:
Help members pick a pace that they could potentially maintain for the workout and row for 1:30. This will help members get an idea of what they can do in each window of time.

Front Squat (Every 2:30 x 5)
Set 1: 5 @77%
Set 2: 4 @ 82%
Set 3: 4 @ 82%
Set 4: 4 @ 80%
Set 5: 4 @ 80%

TC: 15 mins
Score: Weight

Scaling Options
5×4 @ RPE 7/10

As Written


Metcon (Time)
For time
3k Row

Every 3 minutes perform:
10 Push-ups
10 Box jumps 30/24"

Scaling Options
2 K Row
Every 3 min
10 Hand Elevated Push Ups
6 Box Jumps @ moderate or step ups

2.5K Row
Every 3 min
7 Push Ups
10 Box Jumps @24/20"

For time
3K Row
Every 5 minutes, perform 200m Bike erg @super easy

Extra Accessory
Side plank + Knees to elbow
5 x 3/side
Rest as needed between sets

Core Stability
Plank on your hand or elbow, non working hand and leg touch at the knee & elbow