Thursday, July 21st 2022
A. General
3 sets
20 sec Machine sprint
25’ Inch worms
3 sets
20 sec Machine sprint
25’ Inch worms
B. Mobility
Prayer stretch with foam roller
2 x 7-10 PNF breaths:
Contract on the inhale, relax + lengthen on the exhale
C. Specific prep
2 sets
3-5 Deficit hspu
3-5 Strict Pause Ring dips
3-5 Bar mu
*Use the scaling options as progressions in this prep. There will be less focus on skill today and more focus on the session as a strength progression.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 16 minutes
Min 1: 30 sec Max rep Deficit HSPU
Min 2: 30 sec Max rep Ring dips
Min 3: Recovery row/bike full minute
Min 4: 30 sec Max rep Bar muscle ups
Min 1: 30 sec Max rep Deficit HSPU
Min 2: 30 sec Max rep Ring dips
Min 3: Recovery row/bike full minute
Min 4: 30 sec Max rep Bar muscle ups
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds For time
21 KBS 32/24kg
21 Pull-Ups
400m run
21 KBS 32/24kg
21 Pull-Ups
400m run
TC: 15 min
Score: Time
Score: Time
Scaling Options
21 KBS @ 16/12kg
21 Jumping Pull Ups
200m Run
21 KBS 24/16 KG
16 Pull Ups
400m Run
Extra Accessory
Single Leg Lateral med ball toss
3 x 6-8/leg
3 x 6-8/leg
Goal: Stability
You can do this against a wall or with a partner:
Score: Reps per round (4)
Scaling Options
Min 1: Z Press @ moderate
Min 2: Floor Press @ Moderate Above
Min 3: Recovery
Min 4: Assisted Pull Ups
Min 1: HSPU
Min 2: Assisted Ring Dips
Min 3 Recovery
Min 4: Strict Pull Ups