Tuesday, July 26th 2022

A. General
10/8 cal Row/Bike/Ski or 200m Run @Easy
25’/25′ Single arm OH Carry
4/side PNF lat stretch on floor

B. Mobility
Foam roller wall slide
10 repetition slow and controlled

C1. Specific (Pre rope climb)
-7 Banded W-Y
-7 Banded T pull aparts
-7 Ring rows + pause

C2.Specific (Pre Metcon)
2 sets
-100m Row
-5 Hang clean pulls + 3 Hang cleans
-3 Beat swings + 3 TTB

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM 10minutes
1 Legless Rope Climb

TC: 10 min
Score: Completed Minutes

Scaling Options
2 Rope Climbs from the seated to standing

1 Regular Rope Climb

Legless Rope Climbs
3 x 5 for time

Scaling options:
– 5 x 3 for time
– 7 x 2 for time

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15minutes
500/400m Row
15 Hang power Clean 115/75 lbs
15 TTB

KG: 50/35 KG
TC: 15 min
Score: Rounds and Reps

Scaling Options
300m Row
15 Hang power Clean @Light
15 Hanging Knee Raise

500m Row
15 Hang power Clean @95/65 lbs
15 Toes to eye level

AMRAP 15minutes
1K Bike erg
15 Hang power Clean @115/75 lbs
15 TTB

Extra Accessory
Metcon (Weight)
DB row with parallette support
3 x 10/side
Rest 30 seconds between sides and sets